Specification Language

We propose a standard language for specifying syntax-guided synthesis (SyGuS) problems. The SyGuS input format (SyGuS-IF) is closely modeled on SMT-Lib 2.

The SyGuS Language Standard Version 2.1

Here is an example SyGuS problem for a function named max2 that computes the maximum of two variables x and y.

;; The background theory is linear integer arithmetic
(set-logic LIA)

;; Name and signature of the function to be synthesized
(synth-fun max2 ((x Int) (y Int)) Int
    ;; Declare the non-terminals that would be used in the grammar
    ((I Int) (B Bool))

    ;; Define the grammar for allowed implementations of max2
    ((I Int (x y 0 1
             (+ I I) (- I I)
             (ite B I I)))
     (B Bool ((and B B) (or B B) (not B)
              (= I I) (<= I I) (>= I I))))

(declare-var x Int)
(declare-var y Int)

;; Define the semantic constraints on the function
(constraint (>= (max2 x y) x))
(constraint (>= (max2 x y) y))
(constraint (or (= x (max2 x y)) (= y (max2 x y))))


Our initial proposal for SyGuS-IF (ver. 1.0) and its extensions can be found here. However, this original proposal is now deprecated.

We revised our input format in 2019 and proposed SyGuS-IF ver. 2.0, which is more compliant with SMT-LIB version 2.6, includes minor changes to the concrete syntax for commands, and eliminates several deprecated features of the previous format.

In 2021, we extended our input format and proposed SyGuS-IF ver. 2.1, which includes support for oracle specification and weighted SyGuS, a new theory of tables, a new logic for constrained Horn clauses, and several syntactic simplifications.